Monday, July 6, 2020

Samsung Business Strategy - 1100 Words

Samsung Business Strategy (Dissertat. Methodology Sample) Content: SAMSUNG BUSINESS STRATEGYName:Instructor:Samsung Business Strategy1. ParticipantsRESEARCH METHODOLOGYIntroductionThis section mainly focuses on the research techniques that are to be adopted and used for this study with the aim of achieving the stipulated research objectives.Research Methods:Narrowing down to a specific examination technique is one of the hardest parts of an exploration. Each exploration varies regarding the examination issue; the degree; command; size; and asset accessibility. All things considered, each analyst necessities to comprehend the novel characteristics of their specific research to embrace a system that suits their particular examination. In the event that the erroneous or improper technique is utilized, it may have a negative bearing on the outcomes of the information investigation. This venture of the examination was accordingly agreed the earnestness and affectability it should guarantee that the most faultless effects were gotten.The a ccompanying technique was utilized throughout the information accumulation process:Research designA quantitative research design was presumed to be the best approach in addressing the research questions. Quantitative research design was best suited to examine the relationships between the variables under investigation and to answer the research question based on hypothesis testing.Sampling technique and sample sizeTo constitute an example size out of the number of participants in the study, basic arbitrary inspecting procedure was utilized to select 30 members in the US. Straightforward arbitrary examining was suitable since it permitted impartial testing and it concurred the exploration work more deductive characteristic, along these lines concretizing the legitimacy of the examination discoveries.The sampling frame was restricted to the participants who actually had smart phones and were actively use them, due to financial and time constraints. The convenience and affordability of mobile phones has given them an edge over other forms of communication. The letters for example take a long time to get to the recipients. Most people in the developing countries are either middle or low class. Their salaries are not enough to sustain them hence considering other sophisticated methods of communication such as laptops would be a mockery to their humble lives. There are phones as cheap as ten dollars. This is very affordable by the lowest earning individuals in the world. Despite the fact that the features may be less, they do serve the main reason of passing a message from one person to another. Communication service providers have also come in handy in designing cost effective mobile phones which are only limited to their service. This may sound restrictive, but they do help the less fortunate in the society communicate with their friends and relatives.Study area and target populationThe theoretical population of the study consists of the sampling size in the USA. However, the study was restricted to the smart phone users due financial and time constraints.2. InstrumentsResearch modelThe number of people who have Samsung smartphones in the US is determined by gender, the number of people using smartphones and the number of days spent by each person to modify the kind of phones they use.. This can be illustrated with the following model;Yt= Xt+ At+ Mt+eWhere;Yt represents the dependent variable for the number of people who use Samsung smartphones in the USA during the year t.At represents the independent variable for the number of number of days spent by each person to modify the kind of phones they use.e is the error term., and represents the coefficients of the respective independent variables.Definition and measurement of variablesThe dependent variable for this study was the number of people that have Samsung smartphones in the US. There were three independent variables; gender, the number of people using the smartphones and the number o f days spent by each person to modify the kind of phones they use.The people's income was measured in US dollars. Data pertaining to gender had to be coded to facilitate quantitative analysis. Men were represented by the code 0 while women were represented by the code 1 in the data table. The number of days spent by each person to modify the kind of phones was measured using ordinary numbers. The numbers of days spent by the people was measured using ordinary calendar days.3. ProceduresData type and sourceThis study relied on secondary data to obtain the data required for the analysis. Data regarding sampling populations' ID, their gender , the number of jobs assigned in a year to them and how much they spend on buying new Samsung smart phones. This data was obtained from the management accountant's records. Data relating to the year 2011 was used. This was the most recent and complete data that could be obtained. The collected data is in appendix A....

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